Well, I just recently got three of their products in the mail! I got the Lavender & Goats Milk soap bar and the Dead Sea Mineral Mud soap bar along with the Dead Sea Mineral Mud Mask. I love all three products!! I especially love how their products are a 100% natural and organic. None of their products contain any harmful chemical that is bad for our skin. Like I said their products are all a 100% natural and organic!!!
The Lavender & Goats Milk, smells good, and I love how it comes in the color purple! That it too cute for me, because it also matches my bathroom décor. On the packages of soap, you will find some instructions on how to make your soap bar last a longer time, and the steps are easy and since I love the soap, I am doing everything I can to make mine last a little bit longer. It tells you clearly on the back of the box, to keep the bar of soap dry between uses. Also use a draining soap dish and keep it away from direct streams of water.
I love that the Dead Sea Mineral Mud soap bar goes with the mud mask. Both of them also really make the difference in your hands and your face when using them together. They also, work great apart, but I like using them together.
I really wanted to try the mud mask on my boyfriend, because he has a skin combination of oily and dry skin and most of the time from where has some facial hair, he facial skin is very rough. I like to be able to run my hands over his face, especially when going for a kiss. I don't like touching his face when it's all rough, so I put the mud mask on his face to see if it made any difference to his skin. I left the mask on him for about 12 minutes. The package recommends ten minutes, but I have an 18 month old son who is always running me in circles lol, so I left it on 2 extra minutes but the mud mask, is also organic and a 100% percent natural so it's good for your skin. The mud mask made my boyfriend's face so smooth and soft. It took all the extra oil out of his face and made it where he no longer had all that shine on his face from all that oil!!!!

The mud mask, didn't take too long to dry and was easy to put an application on the skin. Usually Jason doesn't like stuff on his face, and I have to tell him to take better care of my skin. He actually said he liked using the mud mask , because of how fast after applying that the product dries and the after result from using the mud mask!
While my daughter is off from school for the holiday break, we are going to have a "girls day with mommy and daughter" beauty day. I plan on putting the Dead Sea Mineral Mud Mask on the both of us and relax and just enjoy mother and daughter day. This product is awesome, because it's also like we are going to the spa but at home!!! After we have our day, I am going to come back to this blog entry and update it and give my own personal views and the views of my 10 year old and what she thought about using the mud mask! Here's some photo's of their products and a picture of Jason wearing the mud mask!!! More photo's and other photos will be updated later tomorrow sometime.
Well, the weekend was an amazing mail call!!! I really must say everything that I got in the mail, I really love!! Plus some of it is going to make a really great gift!! I got a hello kitty laptop case for my daughter to put her laptop in to protect it from her brother. That I got off www.yerdle.com so I encourage everyone to sign up for yerdle. For those of you who don't know what I am talking about when I say join yerdle. Well its an online shop where you can get gently used(sometimes new) items for cheap. When you sign up, they give you 20.00 to start, and the currency is called yerdle dollars. Plus you get free shipping on your first item! If you go around your house and see items that you want to get rid of, you can post it up on yerdle and get yerdle dollars for it! Even better when you refer someone to yerdle, you also get money. The way the whole thing works is pretty awesome! I got a really nice and looks like its brand new laptop case! There is one of my christmas presents right there!

Of course, my daughter already got her present, as you can see, and she really loved it!!
So this weekend I got some jane iredale makeup samples which was really awesome! www.janeiredale.com is where I went and I emailed them and asked if I could try some of their products and they were super nice and sent me three! I really love their products and will be buying their stuff really soon, thanks to them letting me try it out first!
I also got some derm-organic facial cleanser, facial moisturizer and some hand and body moisture lotion. That was just in one box from them. They also sent me a box of daily conditioning shampoo and leave in treatmen, plus a intensive hair repair masque! So I got two boxes of some really great products from them, all by going to their website and requesting a sample! www.dermorganic.com . Off one of my freebie sites, that I go to, I got a sample of Glysolid glycerin cream, but I don't remember the link for that. The party snow mix I got for agreeing to do a product review for them as well as the vitiamin c anti-aging serum. I will be doing the review for the party snow later tonight and for my followers I will have a discount code for you to get you some as well. I really can't wait to try this stuff too, because I can tell me and my kiddos are going to have a blast with this stuff. I got two samples of Creed perfume and cologne from emailing the company and asking to have a sample for men and woman and they sent two!! They smell really awesome, especially the mens, so I know what one thing my man is getting!! The women's smell even better though!! To go and request your sample go to www.creed.com I got the migraine relief medicine for doing a product review for them. Here's this weekends photos! I will post again tomorrow and share what information I have so you too, can gain what I got!